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Artists, researchers, teachers...
The Synthesis team member works to align stringency with openness, knowledge with generosity. Certain are specialists, recognized in their particular domain; others come as sharers of their passions, as teachers of art or philosophy or are themselves recognized artists. Theatre, cinema, literature, singing, architecture, jazz, painting, symphonic music, neurology…a wealth of languages and viewpoints call out in an invitation to inspiration.

Sébastien Fournier
Sébastien sings since his very early years as a trebble in the Lyon’s boys choir. He could there develop a strong taste and skills in early music, where his countertenor voice comes from. When he grew up he studied music and performance at the conservatoire and the university of Lyon. After that, he completed his training in London at the Guildhall school and drama with great masters such as Michael Chance, laura Sarti, David Pollard …
Matthieu Giroux
Following preparatory studies at the Hypokâgne and Khâgne levels, and majoring at the Lyon III University in French, Philosophy and Theology, he taught philosophy at the college prep level and again at university in accordance with the maxim ‘Better thought for better action’. In terms of his work for Synthesis, Matthieu Giroux helps managers to visualize and discern the meaning of the words and values expressed in business. His perspective on questions of time, courage, authority, and innovation allows a rapprochement within the managerial experience while avoiding the entanglements of language and of over-simplification. Philosophy is then experienced as a means of opening out and questioning oneself, which in turn lend force and precision to action.

Marc-Antoine Hamet
Coach, specialized in listening
Born in Canada, and a graduate of d’HEC Montreal and of l’INSEAD, he was awarded his MBA in 1989. At L’Oréal he served as Director-General for the Professional Products Division in Hong Kong, Macau and southern China for 8 years. A passionate music-lover, he worked for the Montreal Symphony Orchestra, and in 2005 was a member of the organizing committee for a concert given by the New York Philharmonic to celebrate the reopening of the famous Frauenkirche church in Dresden (Allemagne). Since 2002, he has been a member of the Synthesis team, guiding business leaders in a process, which detours through fine art and leads on into concrete professional situations. As a facilitator, challenges our capacity for listening, our cultural interpretation and judgment, and immerses us in the universe of sound through the works of Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, as well as Chinese opera…
Lison Hufschmitt
Classical singer
Classical singer, choir director and creator of musical performances, Lison Hufschmitt brings her art in singing and speech. …Listening, breathing, speaking, singing…each with the aim of lending feeling and emotion to speech as a means of expressing our sensitive intelligence. Her work is an invitation to rediscover in voice a finer, more confident, more present-here-and-now expression. She offers the thread of reconciliation, which links the creativity, effectiveness and emotion within each of us. Throughout her sessions, singing, vocalizing and role-play are called upon to reinforce our very substance, our commitment, and our capacity for shared invention.

Denis Loubaton
Actor, dancer, and theatre director
Actor, dancer, Artistic Associate and director. He taught for four years at the college of Arts at Amiens, and has headed numerous workshops training directors of professional actors on stage in Paris, and at the TNT in Toulouse, the CDN in Reims and in Besançon. . For the past two years he has been regularly involved with the Théâtre National de la Colline in Paris.
For Synthesis, he facilitates seminars and exercises based on corporeal intelligence, role-plays, and inventiveness through wordplay. His group work inspires us to move toward a mutual cooperation based on confidence and the willingness to engage with others.
Anna Nozière
Theatre Director and author
After twenty years with an amateur theatre company, Anna Nozière became involved with various professional institutions and companies. Her work, whether collaborative or individual, is always demanding, experimental, physical, and often musical. It shows a purposeful originality that has delighted the press and the public. Eventually this journey, which she calls “a great training ground”, led her to create more on her own.

Pierre Ollier
An actor, his passion for theatre caught up with him after his graduation from HEC and eight years spent doing business advisory consulting, notably for UNILEVER.
He has played in many productions, notably at The Théâtre du Rond-Point des Champs Elysées, in “Pièces détachées, OULIPO”
For the past 15 years, he has coached managers, helping them to navigate the difficult road of communication, organization and vision for their enterprise.
In 1998 he started to work with Synthesis where his acting knowledge has been dedicated to helping better understand the challenges faced by companies: leadership, understanding, involvement, doubt, innovation, the art of “ringing true”, team management…
Philippe Rouyer
Film critic and specialist in film photography
A film critic for the magazines “Positif”, “Psychologies”, for radio France-Culture and regular guest of the TV debate show “Le Cercle” (The Circle) broadcast on Canal+cinéma, Philippe Rouyer has dedicated his talents to the joy of film reviewing for more than 20 years. Through books, articles, and coursed taught to a heterogeneous public, he has unceasingly decrypted the medium of film to more fully share in its secrets. In his role as a Synthesis facilitator, he assists in the honing perceptions, thereby enabling participants to avoid of the pitfalls of manipulation, oversimplification, and one-sidedness.

Eric Taane
Cinema photography specialist
As a senior university fellow, and professor of Khâgne preparatory studies, this movie buff and cinema club lecturer draws his listeners into adopting a different viewpoint on film; a sharper focus that examines the relationship between form and meaning. Calling on his acknowledged Hitchcock expertise, as well as on the works of Ford, Tati, Eisenstein, Lang and Antonioni, his appeal is to our sense of vigilance, as it concerns what we see and say. Inviting us, as a means to a deeper purpose, to look, interpret, specifically define and enrich the self through knowledge of how others see us, this journey through the realm of visual images leads us to inquiry of our individual selves, and engages groups in the search for a sense of collective perception.
Yan Vagh
Musician et composer
Yan Vagh is a composer and performer of eclectic and acoustic music. He is a dedicated composer, recreating his oeuvre in concerts where he interprets his own music, and producing regularly published recorded works. A choirmaster, his method involves participants in an examination of the roll of the conductor, looking at ideas of leadership and collective energy. His profound and intimate knowledge of music serves as an invitation to experience the inspiration of musicians and composers as divers as Stravinsky or Coltrane, and helps us to better appreciate the link between individual and group performance, between sensitivity and technique, and allying exactitude and improvisation.

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