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Jean-Daniel Remond
Executive coach
Psychologist, biologist
He was Deputy Director General of the Red Cross, Director of the Society of Synthesis Advisors. Jean-Daniel Remond is also co-founder of the Mediation Training Institute, which he directed for ten years, before founding Europe et Cultures (SA).
Scientific advisor for Synthesis , he proposes a reflection on the functioning of the person and teams based on neurosciences.
He designs personal discernment tools (questionnaires) that allow managers to take another look at their ability to detect weak signals, measure their vigilance, or identify their relationship patterns.
As a coach, he allows managers to establish or strengthen the links between art and life, culture and action. He is also President of the AADEF (association aid childhood family)
He is the author of:
"The Social Analysis of the City", (Masson, 1978)
“Peace, why not? (Hachette, 1985)
“A Silent Mother” (Threshold, 1999)
"Intelligence and Mutation: together let's invent tomorrow" (Ballan, 2008).
“The children of Socrates, another approach to coaching” (Le Publieur, 2015)
His contributions to our blog:
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